Private Equity Token Offering Development in Malaysia

The introduction of digital currencies has brought about a new thought in the financial sectors across the world as it creates the perception of a decentralized form of conducting a transaction. This platform continues to grow and more applications of this system continue to be created. With the fact that this is a new and growing industry, many people try finding ways of investing or owning these cryptocurrencies whereas these companies also look to amass funds to grow and run the networks and for-profit making. This has therefore seen the launch of Initial Coin Offerings Development (ICO) in most Blockchain networks . The Smart contracts under the Ethereum blockchain have a particular application as Equity Tokens. Types of Equity Tokens (ETO) 1. Dilutable Tokens: You can sanction to produce a lot of stock, however, release on the part of it to the investors and shareholders. The left unissued stocks can be utilized to sale later. Only w...